직 위 : 교 수
전 공 : 개발정치와 사회정책, 후발자본주의와 가족, 탈사회주의 정치경제,
비교근대성(압축적 근대성), 언론권력과 법질서
연구실: 서울대학교 사회과학대학(16동) 544호, (02)880-6410
E-mail : changks@snu.ac.kr
PhD in sociology, Brown University (1991)
AM in sociology, Brown University (1989)
MA in sociology, University of South Carolina (1987)
BA in sociology, Seoul National University (1984)
Co-Editor, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory (Wiley-Blackwell, under preparation since 2014)
Editorial Board, Korea Journal (The Korean National Commission for UNESCO, 2015-17)
Editorial Board, Journal of Sociology (The Australian Sociological Association; 2013-)
Editorial Board, Afro-Asian Journal of Social Sciences (2010-)
Editorial Board/Editorial Advisory Board, Citizenship Studies (Routledge, 2011-13/2014-)
Editorial Advisory Board, Economy and Society (London School of Economics, 2008-)
(Full) Professor, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University (2002-)
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University (1996-2002)
Adjunct Editorial Writer, Korea Daily (Hangook Ilbo; 1995-1996)
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University (1991-1996)
Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Brown University (1989-1990)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Brown University (1988-1991)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of South Carolina (1988-1991)
Correspondent, Economic and Political Affairs Division, Korea Economic Daily (1984-1985)
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2016. “Financialization of Poverty: Proletarianizing the Financial Crisis in Post-Developmental Korea.” Research in Political Economy, volume 31, pp.109-134.
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2015. “From Developmental to Post-Developmental Demographic Changes: A Perspectival Recount on South Korea.” Korean Journal of Sociology, volume 49, number 6, pp.21-45.
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2014. "Asianization of Asia: Asia’s Integrative Ascendance through a European Aperture."
European Societies (European Sociological Association), volume 16, number 3, pp.337-342. [SSCI]
Song Yoo-Jean, Chang Kyung-Sup and Gabriel Sylvian. 2013. “Why Are Developmental Citizens Reluctant to
Procreate? Analytical Insights from Shirley Sun’s Population Policy and Reproduction in Singapore and Takeda
Hiroko’s The Political Economy of Reproduction in Japan.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, volume 14, number 3.
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2012. "Introduction: South Korea's Condensed Transition from Class Politics to Citizenship
Politics." Citizenship Studies, volume 16, number 1 (Feb 2012), pp.1-12. [SSCI]
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2012. "Economic Development, Democracy, and Citizenship Politics in South Korea: The
Predicament of Developmental Citizenship." Citizenship Studies, volume 16, number 1 (Feb 2012), pp.29-47.
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2010. "The Second Modern Condition? Compressed Modernity as Internalized Reflexive
Cosmopolitisation." British Journal of Sociology, volume 61, number 3, pp.444-464. [SSCI]
Chang Kyung-Sup, and Song Min-Young. 2010. "The Stranded Individualizer under Compressed Modernity:
South Korean Women in Individualization without Individualism." British Journal of Sociology, volume 61,
number 3, pp.540-565. [SSCI]
Chang Kyung-Sup 2010. "East Asia's Condensed Transition to Second Modernity." Soziale Welt, volume 61,
numbers 3/4, pp.319-328. [SSCI]
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2010. "Individualization without Individualism: Compressed Modernity and Obfuscated
Family Crisis in East Asia." Journal of Intimate and Public Spheres, number 0 (pilot issue), pp.23-39. =>
(reprinted as) Chang Kyung-Sup. 2014. " Individualization without Individualism: Compressed Modernity and
Obfuscated Family Crisis in East Asia." Ochiai Emiko and Hosoya Leo Aoi (eds), Transformation of the Intimate
and the Public in Asian Modernity. pp.37-62. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
Chang, Kyung-Sup. 2007. "The End of Developmental Citizenship? Restructuring and Social Displacement in
Post-Crisis South Korea." Economic and Political Weekly, volume 42, number 50, pp.67-72. [Scopus] =>
(reprinted as) Chang Kyung-Sup. 2009. "The End of Developmental Citizenship? Economic Restructuring and
Social Displacement in Post-Crisis South Korea." Jayati Ghosh, and C. P. Chandrasekhar (eds), After Crisis:
Adjustment, Recovery and Fragility in East Asia. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2006. "North Korea, Capitalist East Asia, and the Wallersteinian World System." Journal of
Social Research, volume 7, number 2, pp.151-159.
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2005. "Ruralism in China: Reinterpretation of Post-Collective Development." International
Journal of Asian Studies, volume 2, number 2. pp.291-307.
Chang Kyung-Sup. 1992. “China's Rural Reform: The State and Peasantry in Constructing a Macro-Rationality.”
Economy and Society, volume 21, number 4, pp.430-452. [SSCI]
Chang Kyung-Sup. 1991. “Intra- and Intersectoral Growth of Industrial Wage in the World Economic Context.”
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, volume 32, numbers 3-4, pp.333-340. [SSCI]
Chang Kyung-Sup. 1991. “Economic Development with Limited Supplies of Family Labor: Chinese Peasant
Families in Balancing Demographic and Economic Requisites.” Korea Journal of Population and Development,
volume 20, number 1, pp.47-76. => (revised, updated, and republished as) Chang Kyung-Sup. 1996. “Birth and
Wealth in Peasant China: Surplus Population, Limited Supplies of Family Labor, and Economic Reform.” Alice
Goldstein and Wang Feng (eds), China: The Many Facets of Demographic Change, pp.21-45. Boulder: Westview
Bryan S. Turner, Chang Kyung-Sup, Cynthia F. Epstein, Peter Kivisto, J. Michael Ryan, and William Outhwaite (eds). 2017. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Wiley-Blackwell.
Chang Kyung-Sup (ed). 2015. Life and Humanity in Late Modern Transformation, Part I (Korean Journal of Sociology, special issue: volume 49, number 3, June 2015).
Chang Kyung-Sup (ed). 2015. Life and Humanity in Late Modern Transformation, Part II (Korean Journal of Sociology, special issue: volume 49, number 6, June 2015).
Chang Kyung-Sup (ed). 2014. South Korea in Transition: Politics and Culture of Citizenship. London/New York: Routledge. [revised and expanded from Chang Kyung-Sup (ed). 2012. South Korea: Politics and Culture of Citizenship (Citizenship Studies, special issue: volume 16, number 1, Feb 2012)].
Chang Kyung-Sup, and Bryan S. Turner (eds). 2012. Contested Citizenship in East Asia: Developmental Politics, National Unity, and Globalization. London/New York: Routledge (Routledge Advances in Sociology).
Chang Kyung-Sup, Ben Fine, and Linda Weiss (eds). 2012. Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and Beyond. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan (International Political Economy Series).
Chang Kyung-Sup (ed). 2012. South Korea: Politics and Culture of Citizenship (Citizenship Studies, special issue: volume 16, number 1, Feb 2012).
Chang Kyung-Sup. 2010/2011. South Korea under Compressed Modernity: Familial Political Economy in Transition. London/New York: Routledge (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies). Designated by The Royal Library of Denmark, as “Book(s) of the Month” (May 2010)
장경섭. 2009. <가족, 생애, 정치경제: 압축적 근대성의 미시적 기초>. 서울: 창비. [(in Korean) Chang Kyung-Sup. 2009. Family, Life Course, Political Economy: Micro-Foundations of Compressed Modernity. Seoul: Changbi.] Designated by The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Korea, as “Excellent Academic Book(s) of the Year” (2009)
김원배, 장경섭, 김형국 편, 2003. <중국의 오늘과 내일>. 서울: 나남출판. [(in Korena). Kim Won- Bae, Chang Kyung-Sup, Kim Hyung-Guk (eds). 2003. China’s Today and Tomorrow. Seoul: Nanam.]
박승관, 장경섭. 2001. <언론권력과 의제동학>. 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스. [(in Korean) Park Seung-Gwan and Chang Kyung-Sup. 2001. Media Power and Agenda Dynamics in South Korea. Seoul: Communication Books.]
서재진, 조한범, 장경섭, 유팔무. 1999. <사회주의 지배엘리트와 체제전환: 북한과 러시아·중국·동독의 비교분석>. 서울: 생각의 나무. [(in Korean) Suh Jae-Jin, Cho Han-Bum, Chang Kyung-Sup, Yu Pal-Moo. 1999. Socialist Ruling Elites and System Transitions: A Comparative Analysis of North Korea with Russia, China, East Germany. Seoul: Treebook.
임현진, 이세용, 장경섭 편. 1998. <한국인의 삶의 질: 신체적-심리적 안전>. 서울: 서울대학교 출판부. [(in Korean) Lim Hyun-Chin, Lee Se-Yong, Chang Kyung-Sup (eds). 1998. The Quality of South Koreans’ Life: Physical and Psychological Safety. Seoul: Seoul National University Press.]
김채윤, 장경섭 편. 1996. <변혁기 사회주의와 계급-계층>. 서울: 서울대학교 출판부. [(in Korean) Kim Chae-Yoon and Chang Kyung-Sup (eds). 1996. Reform-Era Socialism and Class/Strata. Seoul: Seoul National University Press.] Designated by The Ministry of Culture and Sports, Republic of Korea, as “Excellent Academic Book(s) of the Year” (1997)
장경섭 편. 1993. <현대중국사회의 이해>. 서울: 사회문화연구소. [(in Korean) Chang Kyung-Sup (ed). 1993. Understanding Contemporary Chinese Society. Seoul: Society and Culture Institute.]