2021년 06월 21일 06시 06분
Youth and Globalization
Volume 4 – Issue 1
Youth and Varieties of Globalism in Asia
Guest Editors:
Ming-Chang Tsai and Chin-Chun Yi, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, mtsai304@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Paper’s proposal deadline (abstract and title): June 30th , 2021
The abstract and title should be sent directly to the guest editors: mtsai304@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Paper's submission deadline: October 30th, 2021
Amended version's deadline: February 15th, 2022
Articles for publication in Youth and Globalization can be submitted online through Editorial Manager: please click here
Publication: June 30th, 2022
Youths have experienced globalization in a tremendously diverse way. This special issue focuses on the youths in Asia to highlight their unique experiences, responses and reflections with the global forces. This individual encountering can be conceptualized as micro-level globalism, versus a large, structural global system. The main concern is that such globalism is highly diverse, and in this manner represents young Asian people’s embedding in the global social transformation as well as immersion in cosmopolitan reflections. Young people, ranging from college students seeking credentials from universities overseas, through manual workers in construction sites in bourgeoning cities or the professional middle class joining the team of global talents in international firms, exemplifies varieties of global exposure which have substantial implications for both the origin and host societies. Even the conspicuous consumption of new young arrivals financed by their rich parents should be considered a novel phenomenon for better understanding the surreal avant-garde of a global generation.
Emphatically, globalism is a broad concept that accommodates border-crossing, transnational networking, and cosmopolitan values which evolve while encountering globalization. These different activities and interactions also generate new opportunities, possibilities, and identities as well as destinies for global youths. How these elements and forces play out for specific groups in different places is most intriguing. The challenge is to develop systematic conceptions to compare and understand the agencies and meanings of global activities and to assess their enduring influences for young Asian people involved in global currents.
We look forward to new research on various forms of globalism. By stressing “varieties” in this special call, we particularly welcome papers that look at young people’s global exposure at different sites or regions. A more specific, local point of view can be considered if it clearly represents national or regional responses to global flows or trends. Papers that offer new empirical findings or explore new theoretical and methodological frontiers are particularly encouraged.
Youth and Globalization invites contributions from scholars and advanced researchers that promote dialog in a way that resonates with academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and students as well as the general reader. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles (8,000-9,000 words), book reviews (up to 1,200 words). Also see the Author Instructions.